We’ve had all sorts of quizzes over the years that ask you to match up a motorcycle manufacturer’s logo with the brand’s name. Hey, it’s easy and fun! But we’re going to diverge a bit from that formula and ask you to match up a helmet manufacturer’s logo with the brand’s name. You do pay attention to moto helmet logos, right?

This could be a pretty tricky quiz. While some companies have very recognizable logos, this isn’t the case for all helmet manufacturers. Most ADVers are able to get 90 percent, or even 100 percent on a moto OEM logo quiz, but this one could be more difficult for many of you.

My guess is that quiz scores will be lower this time around. Many of these logos are similar, and I would personally expect a median score in the 5-to-7 correct answer range.

When you are done, let everyone know how well you did in the comments below. As always, have fun, and good luck!

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