Comments on: BMW Lifts Stop Sale Order Ride the World. Thu, 12 Oct 2023 19:29:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eury Thu, 12 Oct 2023 19:29:39 +0000 In reply to CaptainTrips.

The article doesn’t say it was voluntary for the dealers. That’s an entirely different conversation.

BMW corporate voluntarily decided to stop sales, dealers were forced to comply.

By: CaptainTrips Thu, 12 Oct 2023 18:32:29 +0000 In reply to Eury.

I’m stating that, in my area, two longtime BMW dealers lost their BMW franchise because those dealers did not meet BMW’s expectations. Voluntary? No such thing. When BMW barks, you jump.

By: mzflorida Wed, 11 Oct 2023 01:57:09 +0000 In reply to Mack Knife.

I was referring to the dealership I buy from; I don’t own a dealership. The owner lives in my neighborhood. He still made deals on bikes but did not deliver, had the same customer counts, etc. They were still able to operate, just not deliver. There are financial/sales models which are updated regularly. If there is a substantial deviation from the model, you lost sales. If you meet or exceed sales, traffic counts, etc., there was no impact. Pretty basic high school business class concepts. Have you seen one person here on this forum, which has a massive contributor population, say “That’s the last straw, I’ll never buy a BMW because of this stop sale.”? Love the brand, hate the brand, or are indifferent about the brand, BMW sales are up this year, and they’ll continue to grow, guaranteed.

By: Eury Mon, 09 Oct 2023 22:15:19 +0000 In reply to CaptainTrips.

Not sure what you’re trying to argue here. Did BMW say that it was voluntary or not? It says it right in the quote in the article you are replying to.

By: dweeb Sun, 08 Oct 2023 19:22:49 +0000 In reply to Mack Knife.

The people reading this article probably constitute a substantial percentage of the non-industry people who even heard about the stop sale. Do you seriously think someone decided not to go look at bikes last Saturday afternoon because of this? 99.99% of the buying public didn’t even hear about it. Two people I know who own BMW motorcycles weren’t aware of it. It isn’t like BMW was going out of their way to publicize this.

No, the only realistic metric for lost sales due to this order is people who got to the point in the process where a salesperson told them they’d have to wait until the stop sale was lifted to take delivery of a bike.

Most people who were seriously contemplating a purchase were unlikely to be deterred by this. It’s not exactly an impulse purchase triggered solely by a commercial seen during a Sunday NFL game, and the only way a prospective customer is likely to hear about the stop sale is from a salesperson who is well versed in explaining it in a way that won’t scare off a customer.

The BMW-haters here should pause before projecting their feelings on the general buying public.

By: Mack Knife Sun, 08 Oct 2023 00:06:14 +0000 In reply to mzflorida.

So you’re the dealer and come to a forum to tell everyone that? Ooooookay.

If you are the dealer, how could you possibly know if you lost a sale that never happened? While you might not have had cancellations, you can’t begin to say you never lost sales from thise who decided not to walk through the door becauae of the stop sale.

By: fivetoedsloth Sat, 07 Oct 2023 21:15:22 +0000 I purchased a used G310GS from a BMW dealer during the stop sale. I didn’t bring it up. They didn’t either.

By: CaptainTrips Fri, 06 Oct 2023 16:40:41 +0000 In reply to Eury.

Show me the list of dealers that did not comply.

By: Eury Fri, 06 Oct 2023 16:10:34 +0000 In reply to Glen Taylor.

Those aren’t my words. BMW said it was, do you have specific knowledge that they are lying?

By: Eury Fri, 06 Oct 2023 16:08:29 +0000 In reply to Jason.

True. However with them canceling the stop sale like they did it would seem it was more suspected than knowing.

By: arobert Fri, 06 Oct 2023 06:12:47 +0000 So what did they need to do to lift it?! Are they making changes to the bikes, or was some deal with the regulatory agency?

By: dweeb Fri, 06 Oct 2023 03:03:25 +0000 In reply to Glen Taylor.

Voluntarily in that they chose to do it knowing what could happen to them later if they didn’t do it, and the problem turned out to be as bad as they thought it might be.

Voluntary in the sense that not doing it would be gambling.

It’s like not selling a shotgun without until you’ve measured multiple times to make sure the barrel is long enough. It’s your choice, but if you’re wrong….

By: dweeb Fri, 06 Oct 2023 02:58:26 +0000 In reply to slartidbartfast.

No notice from the EPA is necessary. Once they knew about it, they became liable to do something about it. If and when the EPA gets involved, they can subpoena internal memos, emails, etc., determine when BMW knew about it, and then penalize them based on how many bikes they sold KNOWING there was a problem.

Google Sarbanes-Oxley.

By: Mack Knife Fri, 06 Oct 2023 01:22:37 +0000 In reply to Denteen.

Maybe you should lighten up or grow a thicker skin.

Do you slide in when someone makes a comment about Harley’s. Nope, its fair game right?

It seems few of you can laugh about about anything if its related to BMWs, sacred cows such as they are.

By: Jason Fri, 06 Oct 2023 01:18:28 +0000 In reply to Liberty4Ever.

When a manufacturer finds a problem and issues a stop sale or recall themselves it is called “voluntary”.

If the EPA, CARB, or the NHTSA finds the problem and forces the manufacturer to fix it the stop sale or recall is called “mandatory”

All the word voluntary tells us is that BMW found the problem.

By: Jason Fri, 06 Oct 2023 01:09:13 +0000 In reply to Liberty4Ever.

Their evap canisters are faulty which means they are not in compliance with EPA or CARB emission regulations

By: Jason Fri, 06 Oct 2023 01:06:07 +0000 In reply to Eury.

Knowing selling vehicles with faulty emission systems will rack up some BIG fines for a manufacturer

By: SWRoamer Fri, 06 Oct 2023 00:39:18 +0000 “Voluntary” references BMWAG/BMWNA, not dealers. Dealers have no direct involvement with emissions regulatory agencies—unless they break the rules. And where there’s a possibility of a regulatory agency going after a mfg, whether due to a discovered problem or a customer complaint, the safest way to fend off the regulators is a voluntary action by the mfgr.

I doubt many, if any, sales were lost over this—a buyer who has researched and selected a product and has financing or funding in place is pretty unlikely to jump ship and start all over, settling for his/her second choice.

By: Liberty4Ever Fri, 06 Oct 2023 00:00:53 +0000 In reply to slartidbartfast.

None of this BMW Motorrad stop sell order (it’s a voluntary order?) made sense based on the information that was publicly disclosed so I concluded that it must have been the result of government regulators behind the scenes.

By: Denteen Thu, 05 Oct 2023 23:33:05 +0000 In reply to Mack Knife.

You are usually pretty thoughtful in your responses. This one was petty. I’m Not a BMW owner. (I don’t like Starbucks either). Lighten up bud. World is bad enough.

By: beemrdon Thu, 05 Oct 2023 22:54:57 +0000 In reply to Mack Knife.

You’re rather sad. BMW envy?

By: beemrdon Thu, 05 Oct 2023 22:53:43 +0000 Tempest in a teapot…

By: Glen Taylor Thu, 05 Oct 2023 21:52:54 +0000 ]]> In reply to Eury.

Voluntarily.. yeah, right.. 🙄

By: Glen Taylor Thu, 05 Oct 2023 21:51:06 +0000 ]]> In reply to Redcircles.

You forget.. BMW engineers NEVER make mistakes. Whatever this was, it was clearly the dealers and/or owner’s fault. 😉

By: Liberty4Ever Thu, 05 Oct 2023 20:05:42 +0000 None of this BMW Motorrad stop sell order made sense based on the information that was publicly disclosed so I assumed that it must have been the result of government regulators behind the scenes.

Since when is a stop sale ORDER voluntary? If it was voluntary, the dealers would have opted out. I think it was voluntary in the sense that BMW Motorrad North America “voluntarily” agreed to stop selling bikes that were not complying with regulations until an agreement could be reached with the regulators how best to fix the problem.

By: Pinhead78 Thu, 05 Oct 2023 18:56:51 +0000 There are really people that believed this was a permanent thing…

By: slartidbartfast Thu, 05 Oct 2023 18:20:14 +0000 I very much doubt this was entirely voluntary. If it was, the engineering evaluation could have gone on in the background while sales continued. As it’s emission-related and national in scope, you can be almost certain BMW was responding to a notice from the EPA. Reducing the possibility of EPA taking action against BMW, trumps any short-term inconvenience to dealers, customers or the mothership themselves.

By: imjustdave Thu, 05 Oct 2023 18:01:49 +0000 Seems a bit odd still and very drastic move for a can full of charcoal

By: keithwwalker Thu, 05 Oct 2023 17:52:28 +0000 Why? What? Clear as mud

By: Redcircles Thu, 05 Oct 2023 10:35:55 +0000 I hope the dealers that were paying interest on floor planned inventory got reimbursed by the mother ship … not likely though .
Class action suit material?
